





Year of the cat貓年 - Al Steward艾爾史都華

On a morning from a Bogart movie
In a country where they turn back time 在一個時光倒流的國度
You go strolling through the crowd like Peter Lorre
Contemplating a crime 構思著一樁犯罪
She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running 她穿著絲質洋裝,從陽光中走出來
Like a watercolour in the rain 像一幅雨中的水彩畫
Don't bother asking for explanations 別想得到任何解釋
She'll just tell you 她只會告訴你
That she came in the year of the cat 她來自貓年

She doesn't give you time for questions 她不會給你時間發問
As she locks up your arm in hers 當她環抱著你的雙臂
And you follow 你跟著她
Till your sense of which direction completely disappears 直到你完全失去方向感
By the blue tiled walls near the market stalls 沿著市集附近的藍色磁磚圍牆
There's a hidden door she leads you to 她引導你走進一扇暗門
These days, she says, "這些日子以來──",她說
I feel my life just like a river "我感到我的一生就像河流
Running through the year of the cat 流過整個貓年!"

She looks at you so cooly 她冷冷的注視著你
And her eyes shine like the moon in the sea 她的雙眼發亮,如同海上的月光
She comes in incense and patchouli 她帶著薄荷香味前來
So you take her 你帶著她
To find what's waiting inside the year of the cat 去找尋貓年裡等待的是什麼?

Well morning comes and you're still with her 已經早上了,你仍然和她在一起
And the bus and the tourists are gone 巴士和觀光客都走光了
And you've thrown away the choice and lost your ticket 你放棄了選擇,遺失了車票
So you have to stay on 所以你得留下
But the drum-beat strains of the night remain 夜晚的鼓樂依然迴盪
In the rhythm of the new-born day 在嶄新一天的節奏裡
You know sometime you're bound to leave her 你很清楚你終究要離開她
But for now, you're going to stay in the year of the cat 但此刻,你決定要留在貓年






曾經長髮飄逸、英俊迷人的蘇格蘭民謠歌手艾爾史都華(Al Stewart)以其知性而從容的演唱風格在上世紀七十年代的英國民謠領域獨樹一幟。


這是上一代人的聲音,雖沒有The BeatlesPaul Simon那樣如雷貫耳,卻也能使你如同沐浴在倫敦的細雨中。如今的Al Stewart已經是個略微發福的老頭子了,他現在沉迷於紅酒收藏,偶爾舉辦酒會,抱著那把老吉它,唱唱曾經打動無數歌迷的溫柔歌謠……









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